3 Benefits of Adding a Patio to Your Home

Patios are a highly beneficial feature consider when buying or building a home. A well-designed patio will make your outdoor living space the perfect place for relaxing and entertaining. With a patio designed and installed by The Noll Landscape Group in Fishers, IN, you will reap three major benefits.

Think Spring: Planning Your Summer Landscaping Projects in 8 Steps

As the year draws to a close, it’s a time for reflection and thankfulness. But it’s also a time to make future plans. This winter, our team at The Noll Landscape Group invites you to plan now for your lawn and landscaping projects. We’ve been building creative outdoor living spaces in Fishers, IN, and the surrounding area since 1990 and would love to help you design the perfect outdoor living space for your family. We know that every customer and lawn are unique, so we’ve created this 8-step process to help you design the perfect features to meet your needs, taste, and budget.